“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” – Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 26th US President.
“The real menace of our republic is the invisible government…the coterie of powerful international bankers virtually runs the United States government for their own selfish purposes.” – John F. Hylan 1868-1936 Mayor of New York City
“The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882-1945 32nd US President
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth…if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” – Sir Josiah Stamp 1880-1941 University of Texas speech 1927
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – 1749-1832
1775 the American Revolutionary war begin and although there are many reasons for the American Revolution and the colonies that wanted to detach from the English monarch for today’s show one sticks out King George the 3rd outlawed the independent debt-free currency that the colonies were producing themselves, in turn, forcing them to borrow money from the central bank of England and immediately causing economic hardship and despair, this was one of the principal causes of the American Revolution. And even though in 1783 we won our independence from England we would soon still battle the Central Bank concept would still plague the American people.
- Central Bank – An institution that issues and regulates the currency of an entire nation.
- The Central Bank of the United States is called The Federal Reserve created in 1913.
- Several years ago The Central Bank of the United States The Federal Reserve produced a document called Modern Money Mechanics.
- The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of money creation in a “fractional reserve” banking system.
- The US government decides it needs some money so they call up the Federal Reserve and make a request for $10 Billion Dollars, then the Federal Reserve says sure we will buy $10 Billion dollars worth of government bonds from you. So, the government takes some pieces of paper and paints some official-looking designs on them and calls them treasury bonds, they then assign a value to these bonds to the tune of $10 Billion dollars and send them over to the Federal reserve. In turn, the federal reserve then prints some paper with impressive official designs only this time they call them federal reserve notes. They also designate a value of $10 billion dollars they then exchange the federal reserve notes for treasury bonds. Once this exchange is complete the government then takes the $10 billion of federal reserve notes and deposits it into a bank account. Upon this deposit, the federal reserve notes now become tender legal money adding $10 billion to the US money supply. And there you have it $10 billion of new money has been created.
- What I have just described is a generalization in reality this process would have been done completely electronically, with no physical paper money.
- Only 3% of the money supply exists as paper physical money. 97% of all money is now digital.
- Government bonds are by design instruments of debt and when the fed purchases these bonds with money that was created out of thin air, the government is promising to pay back that money to the fed. In other words, the money was created out of debt.
- Money = Debt and Debt = Money
- According to the fractional reserve practice once the new money is deposited into a commercial bank account, that 10 billion instantly becomes part of the bank’s reserves. And reserve requirements as stated in modern money mechanics the reserve requirements against most transaction accounts are 10% this means for every deposit that ever occurs in the banking system about 9 X of that amount can be created out of thin air. This is how the money supply is expanded.
- What is giving this new money value? The money supply that already exists. When new money is created it steals value from the existing money supply.
- The total pool of money is being increased irrespective of to demand for goods and services and as supply and demand find equilibrium prices rise diminishing the purchasing power of each individual dollar, this is generally referred to as inflation. Inflation is basically a hidden tax on the public.
- When you expand the money supply without expanding goods and services in the economy you will always debase the currency.
- $1 in 1913 required $21.60 in 2007 to match the value which is a 96% devaluation since the Federal Reserve came into existence.
- Every single dollar in your wallet is owed to somebody by somebody
- The only way money can come into existence is from loans
- So if everyone paid off all debts including the government that would not be $1 dollar in circulation.
- “If there were no debts in our money system there wouldn’t be any money” – Marriner Eccles – Governor of the Federal Reserve. September 30th, 1941
- The last time the US national debt was completely paid off was in 1835 after Andrew Jackson shut down the central bank that preceded the Federal reserve.
- “The bold efforts the present bank has made to control the Government…are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution, or the establishment of another like it.” – President Andrew Jackson
- His message did not stay with us as international bankers proceeded to install another central bank in 1913 called the Federal Reserve.
- As long as this institution exists perpetual debt is guaranteed.
- Since all this money is created out of debt and circulated randomly through commerce the people become detached from their original debt and then forced to compete for labor in order to pool enough out of the money supply to cover the cost of living.
- Now there is the application of Interest that can never be paid back because there will never be enough in the money supply to cover the interest.
- WHY? President Lincoln created an independent debt-free currency called the greenback. Independent bankers from Europe and the US circulated a document stating that “slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. It will not do to allow the Greenback as we cannot control that.” – The Hazard Circular – July 1862
- The fractional reserve policy perpetrated by the Federal Reserve which has spread in practice to the great majority of the banks in the world is in fact a system of modern slavery.
- Money is created out of debt, and what do people who are in debt they submit to employment to pay it off.
- The fear of losing assets coupled with the struggle to keep up with the perpetual debt and inflation inherent in the system. This keeps the wage slave in line.
- These economic slaves are the ones powering the empire and the only ones who benefit are the elites at the top of the pyramid.
- At the end of the day who are you really working for? In Banks, money is created in a bank and invariably ends up in a bank.
- Banks are the true masters along with the corporations and governments they support.
- Physical slavery requires people to be housed and fed economic slaves must feed themselves and house themselves.
- It is one of the most ingenious scams for social manipulation ever created and at its core it is an invisible war against the population “The Federal Reserve”
- Debt is the weapon used to conquer and enslave societies and interest is its prime ammunition.
- As the majority walks around oblivious to this reality the banks in collusion with governments and corporations continue to perfect and expand their tactics of economic warfare spawning new bases such as the world bank.
- There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt. – John Adams 1735-1826

This show will get to the bottom of all those questions you need answers to. Each week we will cover a topic that has been left out in the public square unattended and covered with questions from the “official story” You will be able to determine on this show if the topic has been deemed a “Conspiracy” or a “Conspiracy Theory”.
Let’s get to the bottom of “The Federal Reserve”. In this episode, we will go over the origins of the central banking system which has plagued our nation for centuries. The Federal Reserve is one of the most ingenious scams for social manipulation that has ever been created and at its core, it is an invisible war against the population. Today you will learn that money = debt and debt is the weapon used to conquer and enslave societies and interest is its prime ammunition. The fractional reserve policy perpetrated by the Federal Reserve has spread in practice to the great majority of the banks in the world and is in fact a system of modern slavery.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword, the other is by debt”. – John Adams 1735-1826
Resources cited in the show:
The Secrets of The Federal Reserve
The History of Central Banking
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