This show will get to the bottom of all those questions you need answers to. Each week we will cover a topic that has been left out in the public square unattended and covered with questions from the “official story” You will be able to determine on this show if the topic has been deemed a “Conspiracy” or a “Conspiracy Theory”.
One of the most confusing and frustrating investigations by law enforcement is related to people who disappear in highly rural locations, forests, plains, deserts, and regions with few residences. These cases offer no witnesses, few clues, and a strange lack of evidence. Where are these people? How did they disappear without leaving a scent trail no tracks and a distinct lack of physical evidence?
David Paulides is a former police officer who is now an investigator and writer known primarily for his self-published books dedicated to proving the reality of Bigfoot and establishing the Missing 411 conspiracy theory.
Following his work on Bigfoot, Paulides' next project was Missing 411, a series of self-published books and two documentary films, documenting unsolved cases of people who have gone missing in national parks and elsewhere.
According to Paulides, his work on this subject began when he was doing research in a national park and an off-duty park ranger found him and expressed concern about the questionable nature of some of the missing person cases which occurred in the parks. The ranger knew Paulides' background and asked him to research the issue. Paulides obliged and asserts that he uncovered multiple lines of evidence suggesting negligence on the part of the park service in failing to locate the missing people. He broadened his investigation to include missing people from across the world, and this led to his belief that he has uncovered a mysterious series of worldwide disappearances, which he said defied logical and conventional explanations.

One of the most confusing and frustrating investigations by law enforcement is related to people who disappear in highly rural locations, forests, plains, deserts, and regions with few residences. These cases offer no witnesses, few clues, and a strange lack of evidence. Where are these people? How did they disappear without leaving a scent trail no tracks and a distinct lack of physical evidence?
David Paulides is a former police officer who is now an investigator and writer known primarily for his self-published books dedicated to proving the reality of Bigfoot and establishing the Missing 411 conspiracy theory.
Following his work on Bigfoot, Paulides’ next project was Missing 411, a series of self-published books and two documentary films, documenting unsolved cases of people who have gone missing in national parks and elsewhere.
According to Paulides, his work on this subject began when he was doing research in a national park and an off-duty park ranger found him and expressed concern about the questionable nature of some of the missing person cases which occurred in the parks. The ranger knew Paulides’ background and asked him to research the issue. Paulides obliged and asserts that he uncovered multiple lines of evidence suggesting negligence on the part of the park service in failing to locate the missing people. He broadened his investigation to include missing people from across the world, and this led to his belief that he has uncovered a mysterious series of worldwide disappearances, which he said defied logical and conventional explanations.

Profile Points
1. Lack of scent trail – Canines brought to the scene can’t pick up a scent trail, and Trackers can not find tracks.
2. Weather-related issues – Right before or after the person missing there will be a weather issue covering tracks or making it difficult to search.
3. Victim was found in an area that was previously searched.
4. Missing near water, boulders swamps, and bogs.
Bobby Bizup 10 Years Old – disappeared on August 15th, 1958, at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Camp St. Malo is one of the most visited places in the valley. It is a Catholic camp for boys.
Bobby was partially deaf and wore a hearing aid and he love to fish, he was fishing at the creek, and at about 6 pm a counselor walked up and told him it was time for dinner Bobby started following the counselor then at some point, the counselor turned around and Bobby was gone.
Camp ST MALO is right on the border of Rocky Mountain National Park. Within 4 days there were 400 searches from the National Park Service, local sheriffs, volunteers, and SARS experts. Officials were confused about how he could get lost because it was downhill on a very defined trail to the retreat. On August 25th the formal search was terminated.
3 of the counselors that were looking for Bobby the entire time, came back a year later and was walking up the side of Mount Meeker right through the boulder field about 2,000 feet up from the retreat and found a hearing aid and some pieces of clothing. Then they found Bobby’s remains.
Deorr Kunz JR. 2 years old – Disappeared on July 10th, 2015 at Salmon-Challis National Forest
This is near Idaho Falls, Idaho, The family was camping just outside of Leadore at Timber Creek Campground, a very remote campground with a rough road about 7 miles to the campground. Everyone at the campsite was considered persons of interest just because they were there.
DeOrr Sr – Dad
Jessica – Mom
Bob – Jessica’s Grandpa
Isaac – Grandpa’s friend.
They drove into the campground Thursday night July 9th and it was dark they went straight to bed and got up on Friday Morning July 10th drove back into town to buy some stuff at a local store head back to camp where Isaac and Grandpa had caught some fish and shows them to the group where DeOrr says show me where you caught those, so Isaac leads Mom Dad and Deorr JR to the creek where they caught the fish maybe 100 feet away. They ask DeOrr JR if he wants to come with them he says yes but then at a certain point he turns and goes back to camp where Bob is. So the parents continue assuming Grandpa is watching DeOrr. Jessica keeps looking over her shoulder to make sure the boy is not following them. They were at the creek for about 10-15 mins and then decided to go back to camp to get DeOrr to show him the minnows. They return to camp and ask Bob where’s DeOrr, Bob stated well he is right there, but he was not right there. Grandpa stated that he did not go inside his trailer. The PI believes he did and took his eyes off of DeOrr. Then panic sets in. This was a national story and at least 10,000 man-hours were spent to find DeOrr. They searched everywhere Creeks, wolf dens, bear dens, and caves.
Three days after DeOrr went missing, Mom and Dad left the campground and headed home to Idaho Falls.
Jessica has 2 kids with her ex-husband
In the first months after DeOrr disappeared his parents made one media appearance.
The PI that they hired withdrew his services from the investigation because of circumstances beyond his control, including but not limited to a breach of trust on your part concerning your refusal to allow me to make this a national case. He was perplexed as to why they did not want him to advertise the $20,000 reward, and in his professional opinion, both of them lied and misrepresented the true facts that could solve the mystery of your missing son.
David Paulides claims that it seems as though an abnormal number of these missing people have some type of physical impairment or genetic deficiency.
Jaryd Atadero 3 years old – Disappeared October 2nd, 1999 at Commanche Peak Wilderness.
The family Allyn, Joycelyn and Jaryd worked at a 10-acre resort in the Poudre Canyon.
In the fall of 1999, a Christian singles group was staying at the lodge helping Allyn prepare for winter in exchange for lodging. The group decided they wanted to go to the trout farm about a mile from the resort and Allyn decided to let Joycelyn and Jaryd go with them. The group drove 15 miles further up the road to the Big South Trailhead and started walking up the trail. One adult with Joycelyn and Jaryd seemed to be out ahead of everyone else and about 20 mins of time went by where she lost track of Jaryd and then they started to try to catch up to him on the trail but never did. It was reported that Jaryd spoke to some fishermen and asked if there were bears around and he was alone.
65 SARS were deployed to find Jardy and worked a solid 8 days for 24 hours a day.
For 3 and half years, no evidence was found.
Rob Osborne and Gareth Watts hiked the Big South Trail on June 4th, 2003 where they ended up at a rock field about 2,000 feet up to the top of it. As they were going up they saw a shoe that was pretty pristine like a kid had just pulled its foot out of the shoe. They found his clothes 550 feet upward from the last seen point.
Rod and Gareth stated that there was no way that Jaryd could have walked up to that point by himself.
Along with Jaryd’s shoes, jacket, and pants authorities found his skull cap and one tooth, sitting atop a log. worth noting that the pants were inside out.
There were no animal fibers, or animal DNA on any of the remains of Jaryd’s.
Samuel Boehlke 8 years old – Disappeared October 6th, 2006 Crater Lake National Park.
Visiting Crater Lake with his dad and staying at Diamond lake resort and was on the spectrum for autism and they were near this area called Cleetwood Cove overlook, and Samuel was walking up the hill on the Cleetwood Cove trail across the road and his father told him to come back down to the road he ran away dad and the road towards the woods Dad starts after him and he vanished. This search was very difficult on day 2 with 2 feet of snow that had dropped.
Les Stroud – Survival Expert | stated that these cases are beyond our understanding.
Vancouver, British Columbia the case of a missing hunter, someone who has been visiting this area more than 20 times a year for 20 years. He and his wife have come too many times. When he was reported missing this time he had come alone. He brought his dogs, his camper, and his raft to do a little fishing. He disappeared on the shores of Harrison Lake and we still do not know what happen to Ray Salmen.
Ray was an outdoorsman who grew up in the woods in northern Ontario very experienced and safe outdoorsman. Ray had a map of British Columbia in a booklet form to document everywhere he had visited in the province there was not a blank page in his booklet.
Ray drove to the campsite on a Friday evening with a fridge a furnace air conditioner a few rifles and a couple of pistols and his Zodica with a motor and his 2 dogs which always would bark if anything comes around the campsite. he had been to this spot many times. John Miles said that Ray did not just sit at the campsite he would be walking over the hillsides all around the campsite. He told his long-time friend John Miles that he would pick him up in the Zodiac Monday morning to go look for old gold mines. On Sunday afternoon John Miles was doing some repair work on a trailer and he heard 3 gunshots. (which is the universal code for SOS). His wife is downstairs alone watching TV and a Vancouver City police officer came to her door and asked if Ray Salmen was home. Dianne ask was was this about and the officer said she didn’t have any information. Dianne phoned the RCMP at about 5 AM and they were very brief and never gave her any details at the time they just said he is missing.
Adam Palmer with SAR stated that a call came in about going out to search for a possible missing person at Ray campsite. He was first at the campsite, when he showed up he saw his truck and camper everything was laid out under a tarp, truck, and camper were in good shape. The RCMP gets to the site and they find the truck and camper locked the 2 dogs were inside and nobody was at the site. His wife stated that if Ray went out for a hike he would never leave his dogs locked up in the camper.
Adam Palmer with SAR stated that he has never shown up on a search site where there
were full ERT members (Emergency Response Team) armed with fully automatic weapons. which is essentially an RCMP SWAT team. Adam never in his career has searched alongside ERT members.
Gail Star retired from RCMP after 31 years and stated the only reason the RCMP SWAT team would be sent out on a missing persons case is for unanswered questions, are we looking at someone who got murdered? are we looking at someone who got kidnapped? or they may have a tip that nobody knows about.
Adam Palmer stated that an RCMP officer told him that kids showed up at the Agassiz RCMP detachment, saying that their vehicle was shot at and the officer stated that kids reported their headlights being shot out.
Basically, the grid search started with walkers, ATVs boats, and air support.
Adam Palmer – On the 2nd day his belonging was found by air they spotted his clothes near the shoreline, it wasn’t even an hour or two after they found the clothes, Adam remembered a corporal from the RCMP SWAT team still in uniform coming out of the bush stating that it’s unsearchable we found his clothes, it’s not worth it to go in there. Why would they all of a sudden just call it that quickly?
The search uncovered via helicopter some folded items under a log and his rifle 400 yards north of his truck right on the beach and then over a hill quite a distance away they found his pistal laying in a meadow. they would give his wife bits and pieces like oh we found Ray backpack under a tree and then later on they would tell her they found his 9 mil somewhere in a field, then RCMP told his wife they think he drown.
The official report states that he was injured and got into the water and was trying to swim back and that’s how he drowned.
Dogs were brought to all of the spots items were found and could not pick up a scent.
RCMP has not returned the backpack to his wife, it is obvious that the RCMP was withholding information from his wife.
Files retrieved from the Freedom of information act turned up blacked-out paragraphs.
Gail Star retired RCMP stated that the RCMP has a policy about UFO’s and she confirmed that if a UFO investigation came into their office they had to hand that information over to some department that she was not privy to and it was top secret. Confirmed that someone is collecting and tracking this information.
David Paulides remembered a document he saw years ago in March 1960 the RCMP had a document that would have been classified as restricted that had to do with the Athabaskan Indians, seeing a UFO in the general area where Ray Salmen disappeared. And that document, in essence, says that they saw something that we would consider today to be your standard cylindrical UFO.
Daniela his wife recounts she and Ray camping and sitting at Fire Lake and both of them saw a light traveling very quickly doing 90-degree turns, this went on for about 10 minutes.
Several people from this area have reported strange events with lights during camping.