This show will get to the bottom of all those questions you need answers to. Each week we will cover a topic that has been left out in the public square unattended and covered with questions from the “official story” You will be able to determine on this show if the topic has been deemed a “Conspiracy” or a “Conspiracy Theory”.
Fluoridation of water has been used for the prevention of tooth decay for over fifty years. During this time little research has been done to ascertain whether it works. The chemicals used are classified as toxic industrial waste, yet no study has ever been conducted into their safety for human consumption. At the same time, research has uncovered serious side effects including deaths, cancer, skeletal fluorosis, osteoporosis, dementia, lowered IQ, kidney damage, and even increased dental decay. Strongly opposed throughout the world, water fluoridation is far less widely accepted than its proponents would have us believe. Only two percent of the people of Western Europe have their water fluoridated – almost all of them within Britain and Ireland. Despite all this, dental organizations lobby governments to compel everyone to ingest fluoride, whether they want it or not, and without regard to possible harm. The vast majority of dentists maintain that fluoride is not debatable. The fluoride put in drinking water has never been shown to be safe. Suggested adverse effects of ingesting fluoride include dental and skeletal fluorosis, kidney disease, genetic mutations, birth defects, and cancer. The argument about whether or not fluoride should be added to drinking water with the aim of reducing dental decay has raged for half a century.
The Great Culling: Our Water
Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death – Barry Groves
The Fluoride Deception – Christopher Bryson
64 Studies have linked fluoride with reduced IQ in children –https://fluoridealert.org/studies/brain01/

The Great Culling: Our Water
Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death – Barry Groves
The Fluoride Deception – Christopher Bryson
Fluoridation of water has been used for the prevention of tooth decay for over fifty years. During this time little research has been done to ascertain whether it works. The chemicals used are classified as toxic industrial waste, yet no study has ever been conducted into their safety for human consumption. At the same time, research has uncovered serious side effects including deaths, cancer, skeletal fluorosis, osteoporosis, dementia, lowered IQ, kidney damage, and even increased dental decay. Strongly opposed throughout the world, water fluoridation is far less widely accepted than its proponents would have us believe. Only two percent of the people of Western Europe have their water fluoridated – almost all of them within Britain and Ireland. Despite all this, dental organizations lobby governments to compel everyone to ingest fluoride, whether they want it or not, and without regard to possible harm. The vast majority of dentists maintain that fluoride is not debatable. The fluoride put in drinking water has never been shown to be safe. Suggested adverse effects of ingesting fluoride include dental and skeletal fluorosis, kidney disease, genetic mutations, birth defects, and cancer. The argument about whether or not fluoride should be added to drinking water with the aim of reducing dental decay has raged for half a century. The fluorides put in public drinking water and toothpaste are toxic industrial wastes: hazardous pollutants that, under circumstances other than water fluoridation, are very strictly controlled. Dr. William Hirzy who works at the EPA headquarters in DC, pointed out: If this stuff gets out into the air, its a pollutant; if it gets into the river, its a pollutant; if it gets into the lake, its a pollutant; but if it goes right straight into your drinking water system its not a pollutant.

Question for the group: What incentives would a water filtration company have for selling a product that you need in your home to get clean water? If we had clean water from public water systems would they go out of business?
Fun Fact: The U.S. water purifier market size was USD 5.85 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow from USD 6.12 billion in 2022 to USD 9.10 billion by 2029 at a CAGR of 5.8% during the 2022-2029 period.
Quick Facts
64 Studies have linked fluoride with reduced IQ in children –https://fluoridealert.org/studies/brain01/
• As of July 18, 2022, a total of 85 human studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence.
• Of these investigations, 76 studies have reported that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans.
• The studies which reported an association of reduced IQ with exposure to fluoride, are based on IQ/cognitive examinations of 28,234 children (73 studies) and 689 adults (3 studies).
• The Mother-Offspring fluoride studies provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the prenatal and postnatal of life can damage a child’s developing brain.
97% of Western Europe has rejected water fluoridation
Fluoride is NOT a nutrient
Many Children now exceed the recommended daily Fluoride intake from toothpaste alone.
FAQ – https://fluoridealert.org/faq/
Fluorine a member of the halogen group of elements, is the 13th most common element. The most reactive of all the halogens and a deadly poison, it does not exist in nature on its own but is found only in compounds (fluorides) with other elements. Calcium fluoride is the most common, as fluorine has a particularly strong affinity for calcium. Fluorine gas is very irritating and very dangerous to the eyes, skin, and lungs. Fluorine gas at low concentrations makes your eyes and nose hurt. At higher concentrations, it becomes hard to breathe. Exposure to high concentrations of fluorine can cause death due to lung damage. Symptoms due to fluoride toxicity include respiratory arrest, cardiac depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and salivation. In humans, lethal doses have been reported in the range of 40–80 mg/kg
How much fluoride can harm you?
A fluoride content of 0.7 ppm is now considered best for dental health. A concentration that is above 4.0 ppm could be hazardous. Exposure to high concentrations of fluoride during childhood, when teeth are developing, can result in mild dental fluorosis.
During the last years of the 19th century, the inhabitants of several areas of the USA had mottled teeth. Investigations showed that this mottled enamel (we now call it fluorosis) was caused by calcium fluoride in the drinking water. (how did this get in the drinking water?) Although this condition was unsightly, it was noticed that children with it tended to have fewer decayed teeth, and it was not long before it was suggested that calcium fluoride might also be the agent responsible for conferring protection against dental decay.
So the case for fluoridation of drinking water rests simply on one perceived benefit: systemic fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay in children up to the age of 12.
In light of such evidence, major public health programs around the world were initiated around the middle of the 20th century to add fluoride to drinking water in areas where it was considered deficient.
It started in 1945 in Grand Rapids MI, according to the CDC in 2010 73.9% of the public water is fluoridated. When they first started they used Sodium Fluoride, which they got from the aluminum industry, but today’s fluoride is a mineral coming from the phosphate fertilizer industry. It’s a by-product that is toxic waste. Its fluoride is bound to silica called Fluorosilicic Acid. Mike Adams editor of Natural News stated that fluoride is a clever way for industries to eliminate toxic industrial waste without having to pay for handling industrial waste they just slap a new label on it Fluoride sells it to cities and the cities dump it into the water supply.
Since 2007 in Amesbury MA most of the fluoride, powder comes from China because it’s the cheapest. For about a year they shut the fluoride pumps down because they were finding additives in the powder that was not soluble and did not appear to be sodium fluoride.
List of countries that have banned fluoride in drinking water:
The Netherlands
These countries have said it is not effective and is toxic and should not be used but here we are 73.9 % of our county drinking this crap.
Only 8 countries in the world today fluoridate their water with over 50% of the population, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Israel, Singapore, Malaysia, and Colombia
Hydrofluosilicic Acid is how they are dumping this in the water supply. It eats through glass steel titanium bricks just about anything.
In 1969 the 22nd World Health Assembly passed a resolution recommending member states fluoridate water supplies.
The WHA further called upon the director general of the WHO to encourage research into the causation of tooth decay and the action of fluoride at optimal levels in drinking water and the effects of greatly excessive intake of fluoride from natural sources.
In 1974 the Executive board apparently noted that after 5 years nothing had been done by the Director General of the WHO to present a report to the 28th WHA in 1975.
When the report was presented the most fundamental question of what intake of fluoride, if any was optimal had not been addressed and remained unanswered. The report contained no new research into the causes of dental decay nor did it contain anything on the other research subjects that the 1969 assembly had proposed.
Despite these shortcomings, the 28th WHA passed a resolution, the preamble to which stated that sufficient information had already been obtained about the safety and effectiveness of the use of fluorides as a method to prevent dental decay. The assembly recommended that the WHO should “Promote approved methods for the prevention of dental decay especially by optimization of the fluorides content of the water supplies”
British Columbia has the lowest rates of tooth decay in Canada. Yet only 11 percent of the population lives in the area with fluoridated water, compared with 40 and 70 percent in the rest of Canada. But the real kicker is the lowest rates of tooth decay are found in the area of BC that is not fluoridated at all.
The largest study on fluoridation and tooth decay ever undertaken was performed in India by Drs SPS and M Teotia. Looking at the teeth of over 400,000 students, they discovered a 27 percent increase in tooth decay with a 1 PPM fluoride increase in drinking water. A third of the areas were wholly fluoridated, a third partially fluoridated, and a third NOT fluoridated. The conclusion was that there were no significant differences in dental decay between fluoridated areas and the ones that were not fluoridated. A University of Arizona study in 1992 found that the more fluoride a child drinks, the more cavities appear in the teeth.
It is obvious from the evidence I have seen that fluoride is not effective at preventing tooth decay.
In several parts of the world, water fluoridation has been practiced and then stopped, you would expect a rise in tooth decay but to the surprise of Dentists the reverse has happened, the teeth have gotten better.
So what is going on here?
I will point you to the Georgia Guidestones 1st directive “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature” The Thanos Way.
Fluoride is an inorganic, monatomic anion of fluorine, with the chemical formula F⁻, whose salts are typically white or colorless. Fluoride salts typically have distinctive bitter tastes and are odorless. Its salts and minerals are important chemical reagents and industrial chemicals, mainly used in the production of hydrogen fluoride for fluorocarbons. Fluoride is classified as a weak base since it only partially associates with solution, but concentrated fluoride is corrosive and can attack the skin. Fluoride is the simplest fluorine anion. In terms of charge and size, the fluoride ion resembles the hydroxide ion. Fluoride ions occur on Earth in several minerals, particularly fluorite, but are present only in trace quantities in bodies of water in nature.
Is fluoride a neurotoxin?
The recent epidemiological results support the notion that elevated fluoride intake during early development can result in IQ deficits that may be considerable. Recognition of neurotoxic risks is necessary when determining the safety of fluoride-contaminated drinking water and fluoride uses for preventive dentistry purposes.
Fluoride in the water is not the same that in toothpaste
The chemicals we use in the water come from the scrubbing systems of the phosphate fertilizer company’s
For 100 years this industry polluted the environment but eventually, they put on a wet scrubber to remove hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetra fluoride
This makes hexoflouro solicit acid which you can’t dump into the oceans due to international law and can’t dump locally because it’s far too concentrated and it’s a pollutant
Unless.. someone buys it…
According to Dr. Paul Connett from Cambridge
It’s only the norm to drink fluoridated water in America not in any other country
1.5 mg a day drops the iq points by 5 points
Which half’s the number of genius’s and doubles the number of mentally handicapped
Unfortunately, in children it’s irreversible
Children bottle fed will get 175 times the amount of fluoride than breast milk
They used to give it to patients to reduce the function of the thyroid
Now we have millions of women with hypothyroidism
Again, the doctors are not taught in school the health issues with doctors
This begs the question why do they do it?
Especially since it’s been proven that the benefits of fluoride on the tooth are topical only