This show will get to the bottom of all those questions you need answers to. Each week we will cover a topic that has been left out in the public square unattended and covered with questions from the “official story” You will be able to determine on this show if the topic has been deemed a “Conspiracy” or a “Conspiracy Theory”.
Today's Topic Starts at 7:00
The deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster, found dead with a revolver in his hand, just after filing years’ worth of delinquent Whitewater tax returns; Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, reportedly close to indictment for corruption when the Air Force CT-43 carrying him went down outside Dubrovnik; former White House intern Mary Mahoney, shot execution style and deposited in the back room of a Georgetown Starbucks; Luther Parks, head of security at Clinton campaign HQ, said to have compiled an oppo-research file on Clinton’s “illicit” activities, who died of multiple gunshot wounds; former CIA director William Colby, who had recently turned his attention to the Vince Foster “suicide”; Kevin Ives and Don Henry, slain and then placed on railroad tracks, two of ten deaths with some connection to the Arkansas drug ring Clinton is believed by some to have helped cover up; two supposed mistresses; seven prominent Democratic fund-raisers, who died under mysterious circumstances; and 28 bodyguards, escorts, and Secret Service agents, along with more than a dozen other witnesses and former friends, rivals, journalists, and investigators. That’s a lot of people to know who died in unsolved murders, hard-to-explain suicides, and accidents, even for a very sociable politician.
Here is an infographic that we go over during the show Click here to view the document

Clinton Body Count
The term “Clinton Body Count” originated from the 1994 film called, “The Clinton Chronicles” which was produced by Larry Nichols.
The Clinton Family is a powerful crime syndicate.
The Body Count Breakdown
- 16 Aircraft Crashes
- 20 Suicides
- 22 Bodyguards/Escorts
- 56 Military & Law Enforcement
- 8 Investigative Journalists
- 7 Female Interns, Assistants, Affairs
- 5 Fundraisers
- 13 Lawyers
- 23 Witnesses
- 11 Political Staff
- 5 Medical Personnel
Bill Clinton
Served as the 40th and 42nd Governor of Arkansas from 1/9/1979 – 1/19/1981 and 1/11/1983 – 12/12/1992 respectively.
Served as President of the United States from 1/20/1993 – 1/20/2001
Hillary Clinton
She and Bill met while at Yale and got married in 1975
She served as a United States Senator from New York from 2001 – 2009
She then served as the 67th Secretary of State during the Obama administration from 2009 to 2013
And then she ran for president in 2016 and we all know how that worked out for her.
Larry Nichols
Larry Nichols was hired by Bill Clinton to be the marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority while Bill was the governor of Arkansas. He grew to be a close friend of Bill Clinton’s. Larry’s job was to go and intimidate enemies of the Clinton family. This included women that Bill Clinton had an affair with, women that were accusing Bill Clinton of rape, and people that just knew too much about what the Clinton’s were involved in.
The Victims
Mark Middleton – May 2, 2022
- Middleton served as special advisor to President Clinton in the 1990’s. Middleton was also the one that signed late pedophile, Jeffery Epstein into the White House 7 of the 17 times that he visited, and he also is reported to have flown on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” with Clinton.
- Found dead in Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas. He was discovered with a gunshot wound to the chest and an extension cord tying his neck to a tree. No weapon was found at the scene, but the death was officially ruled as a suicide.
A lot of the early victims were from when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas and were surrounding the CIA’s illegal dealings at Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport. Which was part of the Iran Contra Affair wherein the United States Government was smuggling drugs and guns through the Mena Arkansas airport to fund a revolution in Nicaragua. (U.S. would provide illegal weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras in exchange for cocaine, which was then sold and the profits were laundered thru the Arkansas Development Finance Authority)
Susan Coleman – February 15, 1977
- She was telling people that she was pregnant with Bill Clinton’s love child while Bill was the Attorney General of Arkansas.
- 26 year old Coleman was found dead with a gunshot wound to the back of the head, which was ultimately ruled as a suicide.
Judi Gibbs – January 3, 1986
- Had an affair with Bill Clinton and rumors were spreading that she had compromising photos of herself with Bill Clinton while he was the governor of Arkansas.
- Her brother-in-law, Dale Bliss ran a prostitution ring where Judi Gibbs may have been a participant, and when Bliss was arrested for molesting a young boy, they discovered a secret window in his house where he would take pictures of some of the state’s most powerful men with his girls. The police confiscated everything from his house upon his arrest.
- Judi Gibbs died in a mysterious house fire in her home. No cause for the fire was ever established.
Kevin Ives & Don Henry – August 23, 1987
- The two teenage boys’ bodies were found on some train tracks in Alexander, Arkansas and the initial cause of death was ruled to be smoking too much weed and passing out on the tracks and then getting hit by a train.
- Their families did not accept this COD, and their bodies were exhumed and a separate autopsy was performed by an Atlanta medical examiner who determined the cause of death to be a crushed skull for Kevin Ives and a stab wound in the back for Don Henry prior to them getting hit by the train. Bill Clinton excused the mistakes made by the original examiner saying he was “tired and stressed out”.
- Reports indicate that Ives and Henry stumbled upon part of the Mena drug operation and were murdered once they were discovered.
- The police chief of Alexander, John Brown, acknowledged that he had received a taped confession from one of the murderers of the boys, which was suppressed at the request of the FBI.
Vince Foster – July 20, 1993
- Former White House Counsel, and boyhood friend of Bill Clinton was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head and ruled a suicide. He had significant knowledge of the Clintons’ financial affairs and was a business partner with Hillary. If the Clintons are guilty of the crimes they are accused of by Larry Nichols, Vincent Foster would have detailed knowledge of those crimes.
- His body was found in Fort Marcy Park, in northern Virginia, just outside of D.C.
- The 1994 investigations led by Robert Fiske stated that his death was a suicide and that there was “no evidence to the contrary”. But, that is simply not true.
- Here are just some of the inconsistencies, some of which are outlined in Fiske’s own report.
- Police say Foster walked through the park to the edge of a steep berm, sat down, and pressed a 1913 38 caliber pistol deep against the back of his mouth and pulled the trigger. A gunshot wound like this should have been extremely gory, because a large caliber handgun like this would leave a large wound while the heart continues pumping shortly thereafter, leaving a lot of blood and brain tissue, called “blowback” all over the weapon. There was none.
- Coroners said that the exit wound for the 38 caliber bullet was only about 1” wide.
- There was an unusually small amount of blood under Foster’s head. No bone fragments. No bullet was found either, despite an exhaustive search of the entire park that even uncovered ammunition that dated back to the Civil War
- Powder burns indicate that Foster’s hands were not on the grip of the gun when it was fired. His teeth were not damaged from the recoil of the 38
- There was no trace of grass or soil on Foster’s shoes, even though he allegedly walked 700 feet through the park to get to where his body was found.
- No one in the park that day ever saw Foster alive. No one reported hearing a gunshot.
- Foster’s fingerprints were not on the weapon
- Foster’s wife could not readily identify the gun as belonging to her husband.
- The 38 was made from two guns, fitting the classic profile of a hard to trace “drop gun”, which are often used to make murders look like suicides.
- Foster was covered from head to toe with carpet fibers
- Blood tracks on his face and shoulder indicate that his head had been moved into as many as 4 different positions even though death was determined to have been instantaneous. Some of the blood track also inexplicably defied gravity and traveled upwards as he lay on the steep slope.
- Critical crime scene photographs are missing.
- The first paramedics on the scene said it looked like a homicide, and some of their accounts of where they found his body differ from where the police say it was, suggesting that police wanted to conceal the real crime scene from reporters and others.
- Eye witness Patrick Knowlton was at the park about an hour before Foster’s body was discovered. He saw a shady character in a brown Honda with Arkansas license plates that glared at him after he pulled up. After he was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury, he was beginning to be harassed by well-dressed men. He took witnesses with him and even hired a reporter to verify that he was being harassed and followed and intimidated into not testifying.
- Then we have the mysterious letter that the White House offered as Foster’s “suicide note”, which was not a suicide note at all, was ripped into 28 pieces, and suddenly appeared in Foster’s office briefcase after it had already been searched twice. The note letter has no fingerprints on it and handwriting experts have declared it as an “obvious forgery”
- FBI Agents were misrepresenting what witnesses were reporting to have seen and were also trying to get witnesses to change their stories.
- A government coverup of the Foster death carries grave implications for everyone. If our law enforcement agencies can be subordinated for political reasons, all of us are threatened by that.
Ron Brown – April 3, 1996
- He served as the United States Secretary of Commerce during the first term of President Bill Clinton.
- He was being investigated for corruption, was on the verge of being indicted, and stated publicly that he was willing to cooperate and make a deal with the prosecutors
- He died along with 34 others in a plane crash in Croatia, which obviously put an end to his ability to testify.
- The very next day, Ron’s personal lawyer was murdered in a drive-by shooting.
- A few days after that, the air traffic controller who had been in charge of the aircraft crash was found dead and it was declared a suicide.