This show will get to the bottom of all those questions you need answers to. Each week we will cover a topic that has been left out in the public square unattended and covered with questions from the “official story” You will be able to determine on this show if the topic has been deemed a “Conspiracy” or a “Conspiracy Theory”.
The 1962 Vaccination Act created by JFK was motivated to create the big pharma industry of vaccines and it was based on a false understanding of the immune system one sized fits all medicine does not work. It's based on a 50-year model. The concept of the immune system that existed in 1915 was used in 1962 to create the Vaccination Act. And this act created all of the groups and agencies of bureaucracy that we see today. When JFK signed this act it was essentially saying the government could enter your body.
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The 1962 Vaccination Act created by JFK was motivated to create the big pharma industry of vaccines and it was based on a false understanding of the immune system one sized fits all medicine does not work. It’s based on a 50-year model. The concept of the immune system that existed in 1915 was used in 1962 to create the Vaccination Act. And this act created all of the groups and agencies of bureaucracy that we see today. When JFK signed this act it was essentially saying the government could enter your body.

The only healthcare that works is precision and personalized medicine and personal immunity.
Senator Tim Cain from Virginia became the 1st state in 2000 to require all girls to get the HPV vaccine.
So the act gets passed everyone is getting vaccines people start getting injured and then people start suing the Pharma companies. So years of this pass until 1986 and here comes another freaking Kennedy, Ted Kennedy sponsors a bill in the Senate with another guy Waxman and it passes in the House The 1986 National injury program, well which sounds ok and not nefarious right? Well, this act allows pharmaceutical companies to not be sued.
This created more bureaucracy which shielded the pharma companies and created a vaccine court under Health and Human Services.
This 1962 vaccination act must be repealed but this will be hard to do because it will take power and money from the elites.
This should be replaced with a 2024 Natural Immunization Act that promotes natural immunity with an updated immune system model. And get rid of the federal level and back down to the states and personalized medicine, healthy immune system needs social interaction.
Depression destroys the immune system which we saw on full display in 2020.
When you have strong social connections you have
· 50% increased chance of longevity
· Strengthens your immune system
· Genes impacted by loneliness code for immune function and inflammation
· Recover from disease faster
Foods that boost the immune system:
· Garlic
· Green tea
· Ginger
· Turmeric
Nutraceuticals that boost immunity
· Vitamin D
· Vitamin A
· Glutathione
· Quercetin and Zinc
The bottom line for this episode is that the government should not be involved with vaccines and public health.
That leads me to my next point: Operation Warp Speed
Warp speed required shrinking the normal vaccine development process from an average of about 10 years, down to a matter of months. That required reducing the amount of time given for each phase of development and doing the phases in parallel instead of sequentially. Trials are normally done in phases so researchers can do all the tests to make sure it’s safe enough to move on to bigger and bigger populations. In this case, that did not happen.
Official Website: https://www.UnseenCrisis.com
[Maddie de Garay] My brother’s friend mentioned it and then my brother wanted to do it. And then, you know, there’s like benefits, well at the time I thought. like well, obviously, I’ll be one of the first people, and I’ll be helping, and you also get money so but not that much.
Patrick de Garay and Stephanie de Garay
All three of our kids were in the trial. Our middle son Lucas, he ended up getting the placebo, Gabe got the one dose and then he didn’t get the second dose because he got COVID. And then Maddie got both doses.
[Patrick de Garay] She got off the bus, she was screaming in pain, screaming, hunched over, holding her back, you know, my heart’s coming out of my chest. Patrick called Stephanie at work. And said, Maddie is having some sort of reaction to the vaccine. I called the trial line and waiting for them to call back. And in the background, I hear her yelling. Her fingers were white and very cold and her toes. She was walking with her feet up. Like because they were so painful. she said, had told us that she had the zaps up and down her spine. She had a really bad headache, severe stomach pain.
[Stephanie de Garay] She went to the ER nine times and was hospitalized three times. For a total of 63 days. Maddie experienced over 35 adverse events. In the EUA amendment, Maddie’s adverse reaction was reduced to five lines which they claim was eventually diagnosed as functional abdominal pain. It’s a stomachache. Does your child when having a stomachache, put your child in a wheelchair? Does your child’s stomachache require a feeding tube?
[Stephanie de Garay] Neither Pfizer, the FDA nor the CDC has ever talked to us or attempted to. We have never heard anything from them.
this next part is very disturbing well we have heard some disturbing things so far but this.
Pharmaceutical companies often contract out their clinical research. Ventavia was hired to run Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials. Due to the heavy workload, Ventavia needed more help and brought on Brook Jackson, an experienced clinical trial auditor to oversee and manage quality control at two Pfizer trial sites in the Dallas area. She was the Regional Director.
Jackson says the issue she saw compromised the integrity of the data and patient safety.
[Brooke Jackson] The first thing that I would look at is the informed consent form. When I’m looking at one signature page and comparing it to the signature on the next page, the signatures are not matching. Where the principal investigator is supposed to sign off, his signature is missing. The physical exam wasn’t done. Something that as an auditor I’m trained to look for is repeated data. So you can tell by the laboratory processing log that this person is inexperienced in research. When I look here at this 30 minutes, every patient is blood clotted for 30 minutes. Per Pfizer’s protocol, it could be anywhere between 30 to 90 minutes. So this data is falsified, this data is fraud. We were not monitoring the temperature of the vaccine. The temperature needs to be at least negative 70 degrees. I immediately went to my managers and said, this is a serious, serious problem. If we were to be investigated or inspected by the FDA, we would be shut down. The next most concerning of my findings was that everybody that was enrolled in the trial from July, through the middle of September of 2020 had been unblinded to their treatment assignment. The site staff knew if the patient received a placebo or whether they received the actual vaccine. It was a direct violation of Pfizer’s protocol. It should have halted the enrollment of any additional participants and we should have contacted Pfizer. What Ventavia wanted to do instead was lie to Pfizer, go into everybody’s chart remove that randomization assignment, and destroy the evidence. This is a quote from Kristi Raney who’s one of the owners of the company she wanted to: “Make the pause in enrollment like it’s no big deal. I wouldn’t say one negative thing. I would keep it that we are in the perfect place and we’re being responsible.” The person who was in charge of vaccinating the patients was working again, way beyond her scope, and had no medical training at all. And the position that she held right before coming to Ventavia was at a restaurant. And this was a person again, that was responsible for preparing the vaccine and the one that was responsible for injecting it. One of my top findings was the lack of reporting of adverse events, and that included some that were serious.
Lets talk about a specific VAX the MMR
Dr. Russell Blaylock has a 26-year career as a neurosurgeon and now focuses on nutritional research.
There was a time when people did not get measles, its a very benign disease and when kids contracted measles they built immunity to it for life. Severe complications from measles are very rare. Most people who contract measles have been vaccinated so it’s not protective.
Dr Blaylock stated that when we look at children’s vaccines most of them are called TH2 immunity which suppresses your immunity. So most of the vaccine agenda is predicated on a lie which is vaccines protect you.
1. Vaccines last a lifetime
2. Vaccines suppress immunity and do not protect from cellular immunity
3. Vaccines contain aluminum as an adjuvant.
That is 65 doses of aluminum adjuvant over the child’s life.
Aluminum stays in the brain, in the nervous system, and in the spinal cord for life.
Increase of diseases associated with this – Autism, Nero degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS.
When Dr Blaylock was a resident as a neurosurgeon for a period of 6 years he only saw one case of ALS and it was with an elder person, now we are seeing ALS in 20-year-olds, and it’s because their brains and spinal cord are full of aluminum. This fact is backed up by one of the number-one researchers in America on ALS Dr. Christopher Shaw (Professor of Ophthalmology at The University of British Columbia) He stated that in every case we see aluminum in the cells affected by ALS. If you want to dive deeper into this subject with Dr Shaw you can pick up his book “Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars”
Not sure if you know this but Aluminum is extremely toxic.
Why do we use aluminum foil?